Other Health Impairment
From time to time I will highlight one of the disabilities
that may make students eligible for special education services. Remember, however, that I do say “may make students eligible” because not
only does a disability have to be present, but it must impact the education of
a student in a negative way if the impairment is to qualify a student for
special education services.
Some disabilities would obviously quality students for
services such as blindness and deafness.
For others, students have to be given a battery of tests to determine
eligibility. Such is the case with
learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities. Another category that may qualify a student
for services is termed “other health impairment”.
IDEA’s definition of OHI states that “Other health
impairment means having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a
heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited
alertness with respect to the educational environment, that –
Is due to chronic or acute health problems such
as asthma, attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning,
leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia, and Tourette
syndrome, and
Adversely affects a child’s educational
This is not an exhaustive list and some other health
impairments may also qualify, such as:
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Bipolar disorders
Other organic neurological disorders
If a child is found to have any of these disorders and is
found to be eligible for special education, that student will also be eligible
for related school services while in school.
These can be important. These
services include:
Medical services – provided by a licensed
physician for diagnostic and evaluative purposes only
School health services and school nurse services
– provided by either a qualified person or a school nurse in the case of school
health services and provided by a school nurse in the case of school nurse
These are in place so that every child will receive FAPE
(Free Appropriate Public Education) under section 504.
As with other special education services, if a child is
under 3 years old, parents should seek out state early intervention services
that will identify a child’s problem and, based on the child’s disability,
design and deliver an individualized family service plan.
If a child is between 3 and 21, parents should go directly
to their local public school and request special education services beginning
with a comprehensive and individual evaluation to determine the child’s
eligibility and what types of services are needed to address the child’s needs.
Grant Name: Smith Charitable Trust Educational Grants
Funded By: May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
Description: Giving on a national basis to
organizations that serve the needs of children, the elderly, the disabled, and
the disadvantaged. Interests include art and music, education, and the mentally
and physically disabled. No grants to organizations receiving significant
government funding.
Program Areas: Arts, Community Involvement/Volunteerism,
Disabilities, Early Childhood, General Education, Math, Reading,
Science/Environment, Social Studies
Recipients: Public School, Private School, Higher Ed,
Proposal Deadline: Apply online at website
Average Amount: $3,000.00 - $250,000.00
Telephone: 415-332-0166
Availability: All States
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