Disability: Deafness and Hearing Loss
By IDEA definition, deafness means a hearing impairment so
severe that a child is impaired in processing linguistic information through
hearing, with or without amplification, that it adversely affects a child’s educational
When a child shows any signs of hearing loss, parents should
take immediate steps to have that child examined. Since most communication skills are developed
before the age of 3, it is imperative that parents have their children examined
at the first sign of hearing loss and begin a program to counteract that
loss. Early recognition of hearing
problems is so important, most states require hospitals to test babies for
hearing loss before they ever leave the hospital.
If deafness or hearing loss is not detected at birth,
parents and teachers need to be aware of the signs of hearing loss or
deafness. Deafness or hearing loss may
be present if a child:
Does not respond consistently to sounds,
especially his or her own name.
Asks for things to be repeated or often says
Is delayed in developing speech or has speech
that is unclear.
Turns up the volume on the TV and other
electronic devices.
Again, since speech is tied to hearing, it is vitally
important that a child be diagnosed with a hearing loss as soon as possible and
appropriate measures taken.
At least 50% of all deafness is genetic. That is why most states require testing
within hours of birth. Other causes of
hearing loss at birth may be certain infections during pregnancy and
complications during pregnancy. If a
child has no hearing problems at birth, they still may develop a problem as a
result of such things as: a buildup of
fluid behind the eardrum, ear infections, childhood diseases, and head
trauma. Hearing loss can also be a
characteristic of other disabilities such as Usher, Down, Crouzon, Treacher
Collins, or Alport syndromes.
Once again, regardless of the cause, early detention and
intervention are imperative since deafness and hearing loss are so closely tied
to the development of communications skills.
The latest government statistics showed slightly more than
70,000 students qualified for special education services under the category of
hearing impairment. That is slightly
more than 1% of all special education students in the United States.
Fortunately for both parents and teachers an abundance of
help is available if a child is suspected of having hearing problems. The Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) provides for free evaluation of any child suspected of having a
hearing problem. If the child is less
than 3 years old, states are mandated to provide services. Over 3, parents should contact their local
public school district for screening and special education services.
Deafness is a disability that can impact the remainder of a
child’s life whether it is present at birth or develops later. Parents and teachers need to be alert for any
sign that a hearing disability is present.
Grant Info:
Grant Name: Tommy Wilson Memorial Grant
Funded By: American Association for Physical Activity
and Recreation
Description: The Tommy Wilson Memorial Grant supports
recreational programs for individuals with disabilities
Program Areas: Disabilities, Special Education
Recipients: Public School, Private school, High Ed, Other
Proposal Deadline: December 1st each year
Average Amount: $500.00 - $1,500.00
Availability: All States