Reading To, Reading
With, Reading Independently
Last time I discussed how important it is for all teachers
to teach their students to read. Reading
is the most important skill we can teach our students, disabled or not, and it
opens many, many doors to them.
Almost all students like their teachers to read to
them. I know I’ll never forget my 4th
grade teacher, Mrs. Nickerson, who read a few pages of Pippi Longstocking to us each day after recess. The whole class enjoyed it.
Reading to students is good because even if some of your
students have poor reading vocabularies, they have much higher listening
vocabularies and can piece together the story quite well even if they don’t
know some of the words and could not possibly read the book independently. Where we fail quite often is letting students
off the hook by not providing them with a copy of the book we are reading so
they can follow along.
When they are required to follow along in their own copies
of the book you are reading, they turn listening vocabulary into sight
vocabulary. I like to use the word Sioux as an example. You are reading a book about this great
American Indian tribe. You read the word
Sioux many times to your students,
but they do not see it for themselves.
When they go to the library and get a book about American Indians and
come to the word Sioux, they will not recognize it. They will not know how to pronounce it or
know what it means. Even if they have
good phonetic skills, they won’t be able to work the word out. If your students had been looking at the word
each time you read it, they would know the word and recognize it when it
appeared in their own library books.
During the read to of multi-chapter books students can add
dozens and dozens of words to their sight vocabularies simply by seeing the
words as you read them and fitting them into the context of the story. Yes, it is still good to read to students
even if they don’t have a copy of the book as you read, but it is much better
and more productive when you have them follow along in books of their own.
Students also pick up sight vocabulary if you let them read
to you. When they miss words, you correct
them and have the students repeat the words so they can remember them the next
time they come up in their reading. Don’t interrupt and correct students too
much. It can be frustrating for the
student and defeat the purpose of the exercise.
If you have to correct or give hints on every second or third word, the
book is probably too difficult for the reader.
Get another book at a lower level.
Also, if you have to correct or help the reader on many of the words,
skip the corrections on the words that don’t make a difference to the meaning
of the story. The read with experience
should be helpful but also enjoyable to the student.
Reading with a student can be very tiring to a weak
reader. You may want to swap out reading
every other paragraph or page. This
allows the student to rest and allows you to provide a model of good, fluent
reading. Also, discuss the story as you
go. Make sure the student is not just
calling words but has an understanding of the text. If the student stumbles through the reading
and cannot tell you what is happening in the story, the material is likely too
Finally, the best practice students can get once they build
a vocabulary of a few hundred words is independent reading in books at
appropriate levels. The level of the
book is the key. If their book is too
easy, they will not be introduced to enough new vocabulary words, and their
reading levels cannot grow. If the book
is too difficult, they are encountering too many words that they don’t know,
and they are unable to comprehend what they are reading. Students who know 80-90% of the words in a
book and have good phonetic and contextual skills will quickly raise their
reading levels as they practice, practice, practice reading independently.
I taught some students in the 8th grade who had 2nd
grade reading levels. There are no
shortcuts. You must read to and with
students using books at the appropriate levels, and you must provide students
with an abundance of books at appropriate levels that they can enjoy and read
independently. This is true for
non-disabled students, learning-disabled students, dyslexic students --- all
Grant Info:----------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: IWP Foundation Educational Grants
Funded by: Innovating Worthy Projects Foundation
Description: Giving on a national basis; giving
internationally if agency is recognized by the United Nations to provide
support primarily for the education, service, and care of disabled and special
needs children, and pre-school programs. No grants to individuals.
Areas: Community Involvement/Volunteerism,
Early Childhood, General Education, Math, Reading, Science/Environmental,
Social Studies
Recipients: Public School, Private School, Higher
Education, Other
Amount: $1,000.00 - $14,000.00
Telephone: 305-861-5352
Availability: All States