This post is authored by Don Peek, a former educator and past president of the training division of Renaissance Learning. He now runs The School Funding Center, a company that provides grant information and grant-writing services to schools. To learn more, or to subscribe to the School Funding Center Grant Database, go to
Caring Makes the
I have a lot of experience dealing with parents in a school
setting. I spent 20 years as an educator
in public schools. Seven of those years
I served as an assistant high school principal in two different school districts. I think many parents are somewhat suspicious
of assistant principals because their children are often in trouble when an
assistant principal calls. They also
tend to be a little bit suspicious of the special education programs in which
their children are enrolled. They often
don’t have a clear understanding of how a special education program even works.
Because I was very involved in the special education
programs at the two high schools where I served, I learned a lot about working
with parents in general and parents of special education students in
particular. Here’s basically what I
If parents trust you, I mean really trust you to make the
very best decisions you can concerning their children, you can do almost
anything and those parents will support you 100%. On the other hand, if you
don’t have that trust, if they are constantly suspicious that you don’t like
their children, or that you’re simply not concerned with their well-being, you
couldn’t give their children a hard look without getting into a conflict with
When I told my dad I had decided to teach school, he gave me
some advice. “Just remember,” he said, “teachers
deal with the single most prized possession of any parent, their children. Always remember that when you’re making decisions.” That advice is even more important when you
are dealing with students who have disabilities. Parents are going to be that much more
protective, and that’s totally understandable.
There is no course in college that teaches you to care about
each of your students. That has to come
from the heart, and it’s very, very difficult to fake. When you genuinely care about each student,
you have to make decisions that are best for the child in the long run. That’s not even easy for parents to do with their
own children, and yet as educators we have to remember constantly to make those
long-term decisions with special education students every day.
For instance, it is easy to give learning disabled students
practice sheets that occupy them for hours at a time but do very little to
challenge them. Bring out the sheets
that are harder, the ones the student really needs to work through, and you
have a battle on your hands --- often day after day after day. It’s not always easy to do the right thing
when an easier solution is so readily available. You can have some quiet time and the student
isn’t complaining. The student is also
not learning, certainly not progressing.
The same is true in dealing with bad behavior. Some students tend to disrupt the class on a
daily basis, even on an hourly basis. Do
you do the right thing for the child and consistently use those disruptions as
teachable moments, or do you take the easy way out and let the child get away
with behavior that will both teach that child the wrong lesson and give
inconsistent signals to the other students in the class?
If you genuinely care about your students, not just while
they are in your classroom, but care about their futures as a whole, you will
consistently teach them what is right. You
will teach them the next skill in the sequence rather than repeating things
they can already do well. You will teach
them how to behave in a classroom and how to get along with the other students
in ways that will literally shape their future behavior and their future lives
as a whole.
It was very hard to care for every student I faced as an
assistant principal. Many had entrenched
behavior patterns before I ever had the opportunity to work with them. I did the best I could. I cared as much as I could and tried to help
shape their futures in a positive way.
I just hope that as you work with disabled students, either
as a parent or a teacher, you will genuinely care about their well-being. You will take every opportunity to teach your
students and your children, not the easy way, but the right way. I can guarantee you that it’s well worth the
time and effort.
Grant Info:
Grant Name: Dreyfus Foundation Educational Grants
Funded By: The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Description: Giving on a national basis for museums,
cultural, performing, and visual arts programs, schools, hospitals, educational
and skills training projects, and programs for youth, seniors, and people who
are handicapped.
Program Areas: After-School, Arts, At-Risk/Character, Disabilities,
General Education, Math, Reading, Science/Environment, Social Studies, Special
Recipients: Public School, Private School, Higher
Education, Other
Proposal Deadline: 3/10/13
Average Amount: $1,500.00 - $20,000.00
Telephone: 202-337-3300
Availability: All States